Tag Archives: joe paterno

Not-so-happy valley

It was a cold, gloomy day in Michigan today.  It made for a looooong day of Spartan football.

But at least we had a decisive win against Purdue to keep us happy!

Things were not the same in State College, PA.  Penn State is a close second for me in college football.  And I’ve been pulling for Joe Pa and his boys in their pursuit of a national championship this year.

This man is my favorite coach. Ever.

This man is my favorite coach. Ever.

I came home from East Lansing on a post-victory high, and was busy getting ready for a dinner party tonight when I got a text that would change my mood.  All my friend Brad wrote was: Turn on ABC.  Now.

And I did.

And…… ouch.   The Nittany Lions were down by 23-24 to Iowa.  With just one second left in overtime.

Just like that – it felt like the season was over.  And I could be focused on the fact that they made a great run  of it.  They only have one loss now.  But it just seemed to knock the wind out of me.   I could relate to all the sad faces in Beaver Stadium.

I left a sympathy voicemail for a friend who would be feeling the loss so much more strongly than I.


Sorry Papa Joe.  Sorry Nittany Lions.  Sorry to all the fans in Happy Valley.  (and a few in Lapeer County, MI).

But it’s still a season to be darn proud of!

And MSU had a great win! 🙂

**note: This was actually posted at 11:48pm on Saturday night, and not on Sunday.  So I DID (barely) meet the NaBloPoMo requirements!!.

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